
Grapevine Fires


11-10-2013, 09:57 PM

So he was looking for his father, but why risk the cold that he clearly could not withstand? She was looking for her father as well, but she wouldn't leap off a cliff if she thought he might be living in the rocks below. Risking one's life was simply stupid sometimes, if the mission didn't call for it, then why bother? When his voice continued, she stifled a giggle. A bastard? One could hardly give the kind male the title of bastard. His story once more filled her ears, how he hoped his father would accept him so the uniquely marked man could take his last name. Then suddenly his demeanor changed, his facing taking on a quality one would call confident. Realigning her taira, she would offer him a small, kind smile. She giggled, out loud this time, but meant no offence in the action. ?I too am in Alacritis in search of my father, but not for the same reason. I am not nearly as honorable as yourself, I took my father's last name regardless of what his relationship with me was.? She admitted with a sly, devilish grin. In the back of her mind she wondered what he would think of this news, and whether or not he would be surprised if she told him who her father was. She laughed a little on the inside at the thought, but decided to keep silent and wait for his reply.