
Teachers pet



03-14-2013, 05:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2013, 07:16 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The yearling was glad to see a smile on her mentor's face. That meant that Aislyn hadn't called her because something was wrong, and the pregnant woman was doing alright. Her way of speaking was quick with a twang that she wasn't too familiar with, but her coo as well as her wink was enough to make Chrysanthe grin. "Thank you ma'am! You're quite pretty yourself." She answered, holding back a string of good natured laughter. She decided then that she would like learning from Aislyn, and wouldn't take a minute of the lady's time for granted. The yearling nearly leaped in response to her question, but her lips split into a grin regardless of her usual habit of keeping her composure. "Yes, of course! I've been waiting - not that you took long at all." She knew that the beta had important things to attend to, never for a moment did Chrysanthe grow frustrated with the ivory woman. "I did a bit of sparring, and patrolled the borders. I... even accepted a male named Jester into the pack after Thane brought him here." The brute didn't have any of his old memories, and although it was a strange happening, she found herself believing both he and Thane. Although she hadn't seen him since...

Feeling like she was rambling, Chrysanthe paused, azure eyes meeting Aislyn's own. "What's on today's agenda?"