
Grapevine Fires


11-10-2013, 10:45 PM
"I could never take a name that was not given to me by someone else." He said solemnly. It would be like stealing a pup from a mother to me. Or at least that was how I was raised." He said. He had almost forgotten how beautiful she was as they talked about their lost fathers. "Tell me, what would you do if your father was dead?" He asked, the question had been bugging him for years,what if he never got to see his father? What if he was to remain Leyray for the rest of his life? His mother had always warned him about "Ifs" How they tormented the mind and created doubt, she was a hopeful woman, always praying that one day the beautiful and noble Segar would return and sweep her off her feet as he had over two years ago. It was hope that Jyla carried with him as well. Hope that his father would be the forty inch tall, proud, noble and just man he had always drweamed him to be, hope that his father, upon seeing him would shed tears of joy and sorrow for the son he never knew, and would beg Jyla for forgiveness. Hope of course that he would come to find would not meet his expectation.