


11-11-2013, 12:12 AM
OOC- Wolf has permission to PP, this is taking after the war so its vague, and its just outside of Valhallan borders, if someone could please find her body that would be great.

The war had ended, wolves were healing, including herself, though her wounds were slow to heal, certain to leave scars. But with all the wounds, it left her supply of herbs seriously low. She had ventured from the borders of Valhalla, her sense of high alert, in search of herbs. She found most of what she needed close by, but there would be herbs that grew by water that she would need. The lake wasn't too far from her home, and the pallid woman set that as her destination. The scent of her herbs flooded her nostrils as she held them delicately in her jaws. Long limbs carried her at a brisk pace, not wanting to linger to long outside of the safety of her home.

Setting down her herbs, she would move forward with quiet grace to get a drink before going on the hunt. Pale crown lifted, her nose clearly of the herbs, only to be replaced by something far more dreadful. Ears fell back against her skull, hackles rose. It was him. The last time she had seen the silver man, she had escaped with her life, he proclaimed to not wanting to kill her. But she had smelled his faint scent during the war, but not once did she lay eyes on him.

Adrenaline sent her heart into overdrive, threatening to pound right out of her chest. The herbs were forgotten as she spun on her legs, her instinct to flee kicking in. Long legs stretched wide, covering as much ground as possible as she fled. She needed to get home, now. She needed to protection of Valhalla. She knew she fall against the man a second time. Jaws parted to suck in air, legs moved desperately, claws dug into the earth for traction, her tail tucked against her belly. Escaping. It the only thing on her mind, if flooded her thoughts. Home.

She was almost there. She could smell the borders of her pack. She could practically see it. She could taste. Safety. Life. It was all there, just waiting for her, saving her from the jaws of death. Muscles burned, but she wouldn't stop, not until she found someone in her pack, her legs continued to propel her forward, blood pounding in her ears, but she could hear another sort of pounding. One that was much more dangerous.