
You Went Away


03-14-2013, 05:59 PM

All the negative thoughts that had been circling around in his head were all but gone now, Chrysanthe's apology having succesfully chased away his resurfacing self-hatred, pushing it back into its box for the time being, perhaps to be let out at another time or maybe to not be let out again. No one would know for certain. What did he know right now was that he officially had his first real friend although techinically Desdemona was the first, she was quickly falling into a different category, one with a heavier attachment than just a friend.

She was younger than him, by two years at the most and yet he scarcely remembered her age. She didn't act her age. Had he met her now, after gaining a position of rank in her pack, Demonio would have never guessed that she was but just a yearling. She gave off the aura of responsiblity, of maturity, of possesing knowledge and insight that was perhaps beyond her years. Regardless of her age or how she portrayed it, the ivory brute was just glad he could call her a friend. He could feel that she would remain his friend for years to come. In his mind she seemed to be someone he could come to consult on whatever the matter was that troubled him, even though he was the older of the two. He dismissed the idea at the first sign of it, knowing there was no way he would worry the young woman with his troubles. She had enough responsibility to deal with for him to add his problems to the mix.

Her excitement at the prospect of him hunting with her was hardly concealed, her voice loud, though was quick to hush it as to not scare their potential prey. A quiet chuckle rumbled in his chest as her antics. She was growing up but obviously not too fast. Audits rotated forward, listening intently as Chrys suggested they hunt rabbits, warning that they were a bit quick but their being two of them would even things out a big more, a huge grin accompanying her words as she turned to gaze at the field behind him, throwing out the idea of tag-teaming or going one-on-one and escavating their homes. As fun as digging through their holes sounds, it would probably be useless to go after their holes, given the fact that they could have miles of underground tunnels to where they could escape too. I say our best bet would be for one to be hidden in a certain location while the other goes to flush them out and drive in the direction of the hidden one and then snag 'em. What do you think? Sounds pretty efficient to me.

A playful smirk curled his kissers, plume wagging with contained excitement at the prospect of a hunt with Chrysanthe. It had been a while since he'd been on a hunt with someone else.

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