
Moving In


11-11-2013, 02:55 AM

A growl would rumble in his throat as he heard the howl. A smirk would play onto his lips, teeth biting further into the struggling deer he had within his grasp. With a final twist of his head, the sickening scream of his prey would be cut off as he broke the creatures neck. Sapphire eyes narrowed towards the direction where the howl had come from, and ever so determinedly he would move its way. The prey dragging in the dust behind him as blood pooled onto his tongue and painted his lips a crimson red. He had heard wind of the Amenti bitch committing suicide, and he would only scoff at her demise. Hmph. What a waste, oh well if you can't handle the power then it will be the end of you. Now someone has taken your place...tch, I knew that wench was a coward at heart.

It had not taken the assassin long to find the scent and sight of the one who howled. Head lowered with perked ears, the carcass dragging behind him as he approached. He cared not who tried to stand in his way, a twisted grin finding its way on his features, bringing another spurt of blood from the buck's vocals. He moved with an air of determination and power, dragging his dead victim effortlessly across the ground as he stopped in front of the cave. He would then release the throat of his catch, dark gaze falling upon bone-jawed Arkhos. "So, you are the one that has taken Amenti...I heard wind of you, and you look a hell of a lot stronger then the bitch that ran this pack into the ground." He eyed Syrinx, dark pupils turned to slits as he noted the air of strength, power, and leadership about him. This one did indeed seem worthy of following, perhaps a lot more then the ice devil that Uisge had previously met. Though the assassin had turned him down because Uisge did not see him as worthy enough, nor any of the other packs. But this one.

"You see, worthy of serving...What does one have to do to join this new pack of yours? Obviously you're a strong leader, and I would think you'd want wolves that will hold no mercy towards their enemies. Well sir, I will state this now. I am strong, I give no mercy to those that are undeserving, and I will not hesitate to fight and kill. I am a spy, an assassin...I have wandered packless in search of a leader worth following, and not even that ice fool was worthy of my services. But you, you are another story." He would chuckle, a dark mixture brewing in his chest as he took a step back to gesture towards his catch. "An offering for thy new king."