
What a Pleasant Surprise



11-11-2013, 05:46 AM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2013, 06:48 AM by Dhiren.)

The approval Aria bestowed upon the boy made his heart lighten with pride. He was happy to know that such ideals were rewarded, and he intended to use his mind more in the future. He didn't know what the future held, but he would take it on without fear and worrying about the consequences. Dhiren's head fur was ruffled by her gentle paw and he squealed as a result of her playful antic. His little tail began to wag faster until it looked like a blur. Dhiren didn't mind showing her his happiness.
After she had placed her paw back on the ground, Dhiren's ears perked to the question Aria asked. The goings-on of Ludicael were still interesting subjects and so he carried on with his answer. "Not a whole lot, but some things have been making headlines over there." His turn of phrase sounded confusing for a pup, but he didn't care. "Sol Jupiter came back from a fight with a dumb wolf that wanted to try and take over the pack. She won, of course, and proceeded to hold a meeting for us. We had some new members appear recently. A wolf named Medusa, her pups, and then a man named Deteste..." His voice faltered and a low grumble radiated from his lips. "He spoke badly of my Aunt Symphony, saying that she almost got Amenti and our pack in trouble with each other by seeking their alliance. Sol Jupiter didn't know about it until Deteste told everyone out in the open. She was mad."
The news that Dhiren was telling Aria was a big deal for the pack as a whole, but he was still too young to realize it. He sharply inhaled and then continued. "Mama was upset, too, but she didn't say anything negative to my aunt. Aunt Symphony apologized and then the meeting got boring." He looked at her with his wide gold and silver eyes. In a serious whisper, the black and white pup said, "I didn't tell anybody that, though. They would think I didn't care about the topics...Mama would be sooo embarrassed."
