
The Armada Family


11-11-2013, 06:33 AM
Original Name: Halom

Chosen Name: Sin Armada

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Brief History: Sin left his previous pack on the account that he felt they were not good enough. With his mother dead and his father gone, he felt that there was no place for him. He became an outcast, his ways were much different then the ways of his former pack. He wanted to purge the pack of weaklings, but they denied his ideas and so he became an exile. Vowing revenge, he would seek out his father to find out if he was like them or if he was like Sin himself.

Plans: Maybe roam around a bit, stir up some trouble, make some enemies, then find his father and join his pack.

Appearance: With a coat of pure ivory white, he dons the cloak of an angel. He takes after his father, though lacking the albino trait he might as well be a similar replica. He walks with grace and an air of command, nothing less and far from inferior. Muscles ripple silently below silken armor, none know his strength until they feel his wrath upon them. His tail is defined with grace, seldom does it ever touch the ground as he moves with graceful stride. Tendrils of ivory threads dangle upon the tip of his appendage, his body groomed to perfection. Long and lithe legs are corded with agility, surpassing that of his most agile prey; be they elk or wolf. He adores the thrill of the hunt, and so ivory daggers are always kept to gleaming perfection to form the most fiendish smile one could have. Venomous amber gaze replicates that of a rattle snake, immobilizing his victims before slaughtering them before they know what happened. Blood often stains his pelt in dark ruby patterns, though he pays it no mind and instead relishes in the glamour of his victims spilled blood. His body is lean from living in the Northern mountains, though it has only aided in giving him the utmost stamina and endurance. He can run miles without getting tired, without breaking a sweat(if wolves could sweat) and without breaking stride. All of course, in any kind of terrain. Sharpened claws extend like a serpents fangs beyond their sheaths of flesh. It is no secret, he learned from mountain cats how to sharpen his claws upon stone to use his torturous devices upon his victims flesh. The voice of this demon sends chills up the spine of all he speaks to, his demeanor emanating his chaotic core. Those who find themselves in his presence quake in fear, for he commands obedience and nothing less.

Personality:Charming//Devious//Sinister//Sadistic//Power-Hungry//Without-Remorse//Cold//Unmerciful//Mercenary//Silver-Tongued//Blood-Thirsty//Seductive//Vengeful//Brave//Loyal//Quick-Tempered//Sharp-Tongued//Womanizer//The Devil In Disguise

It is no secret what this boy is all about. He is the entity of Sin itself, thus his namesake. He strives to infect the land with the blood of his enemies, friend and foe alike. He holds no remorse for those that stand in his path, be it on purpose or accidental. If his tactics of seducing and charming his way into one's mind fail, then he will not hesitate to strike them down or force them to his bidding. Women especially, he adores the thrill of the chase and the feeble attempts of such feminine lives. He loves when they fight back, for it only gives him more reason to force himself upon them to gain what he wants. He cares not for those who are unworthy of bearing his devils seed, and he has yet to find one worthy. Those he comes across are used and then mercilessly tortured. He loves to hear the strangled cries of his unfortunate victims, and always makes clean work of them; just to watch them suffer longer. He has no feelings for anyone or anything, except for the select few in his life which only include his family and those his Father holds close. He does not believe in love, and if one were to try to break through his ice enclosed heart then they may find themselves with heart break...or worse. He will use women to his benefit in order to satisfy his needs, that is when he uses his charming and seductive qualities. He knows all the right buttons to push, though he has also learned that there are some difficult women out there, he will resort to brute force if necessary. He is a sadist at heart, and it shows in the way he gains pleasure from inflicting pain upon others. One might say it's a strange turn on of his, as watching his victims in pain arouses him. He enjoys it with a passion, and so he continues doing it as it fills him with the desire. He gains sickening pleasure, his features often contorting into the devils smile as he stares his victims in the eye as they slowly pass to the afterlife. He is the spawn of Hell, the Devils child. He doesn't play nice, and doesn't ever show mercy. He is a stone cold killer, quick to anger and there is little that can put out that flame. If it's lit while you are in his sights, you better run. He will chase you down relentlessly and hurt you in the most cruel ways, be it slowly ripping out your tongue, carving out your eyeball or simply skinning parts of you...alive. Sin is a relentless fighter, he will resort to any means necessary to finish off his opponent and secure a win. Though not every wolf is perfect, for if he loses he will continue to go after you until he wins or you die. Sin is only loyal to his family, mainly his Father. He will strive to do what he can to do as his father commands, and will fight with him and stand by him no matter what. Those who betray his kingdom will be marked, and Sin will see to it that they get what they deserve. None should tempt this devil, it will only result in your demise.