
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-07-2013, 12:02 AM
Ricochet Arietta Jaeger The wolf stated. Zarzenova?s head cocked to the right. Wondering if she heard the wolf correctly, she herself spoke in turn. Did you say Jaeger? No malice lingered in her vocal, only wonder and bewilderment. It was strange that this wolf would bear the name Jaeger, for so did Zarzenova. It can be. It just can?t be, or could it be? The female asked herself. Memories she kept hidden; behind a curtain. Ones she wished not to forget but knew they were of no importance to her. It was family. She remembered pup hood, herself and her siblings. Her mother, and father. The innocence of being so young and care free were torn away from her, slashed and murdered. There was no time for games when you were learning to murder your own. The wolf asked another question; its mouth full. Zarzenova paid no attention to it or its ramblings. Still referring the wolf as an it was amusing to her. Fully she knew it was a female like herself. But ha! It made her feel like she was the upper dog here.

Funny you should mention the name Jaeger. Zarzenova started. She was trying to find a way delicately to tell the wolf who she was. It was much more difficult than she originally thought to keep the mocking tones, and anger out of her voice. It sounded like a war between worlds, fighting for control of who she was. My name is Zarzenova Jaeger Break it clean. Rip is off like a band aid. There was no need to beat around the bush. Could this be a family member she had lost? Zarzenova had thought she lost most in, or at least was separated for the time being, in the explosion. Maybe, just maybe. The female ached for companionship, never willing to reveal it. It was a lonely existence, pretending you?re the last one, pretending you can best them all.

Word count//329
Listened to// The Used
Notes// I wrote at midnight so it is crap. But then again I think most of my post are xD
Muse// Blah