


11-11-2013, 10:18 AM

She seemed genuinely happy to know that he liked it, that was a good sign. It meant, in some small way, that some of her happiness was linked to his own - and he liked the idea of that. She spoke the words, she'd hoped he would return. He breathed in a slow breath, almost as if he were absorbing the moment itself, the feeling of it. She broke their gaze, staring at the ground - fidgeting as she did so. He was making her uncomfortable, but some part of him knew it was the good kind of discomfort. "I intend to remain, if that relaxes you at all." Perhaps it would, it seemed she truly disliked it when he left and tarried elsewhere. It seemed she genuinely missed him, even cared for him on some level he had yet to determine. It seemed her nesting was in effort to keep him happy enough to stay, and that meant something - he knew it. "You should not have to work to keep me here, Loccian. You are enough of a reason for me to stay. I just failed to realize it until now." He breathed a sigh and with one, quick motion he would reach forward with his muzzle and offer a sweet kiss upon her inky lips - determined not to pull back, but not to force it upon her if she wanted to move away.
speech speech speech