

The Judge


11-11-2013, 10:53 AM


Round 1

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. Eyes narrowed, limbs square, weight equalizing, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, jaws ready.

8 for attack. skull turning to the right to bite at the area around Obsidian?s right eye, jaws aiming at a ligament on Obsidian?s left hind limb

7 for injuries. torn hair between the shoulder blades, mildly bleeding

Round one Satis Total: 45/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

4 for defenses. ears pinned, tail clamped

7 for attack. two kicks aimed for Kusugra

7 for injuries. small gash beneath right eye, feel like you could have taken something from Satis? attempt to bite at her, as it would have happened fairly quickly.

Round one Obsidian Total: 38/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. ?While on her back his ears were folded against his skull, eyes were squinted slightly, chin was tucked, and lips were curled to expose his fangs. His entire pelt flared for extra padding, and his shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his throat and neck. His abdomen remained tense, his body was slightly curved to align with the curves of her rump, his tail was out and curved slightly to assist with his balance, his claws were extended, and his toes were splayed to assist in gripping as much flesh as possible. When he had been bucked off, he had closed his jaw to protect his teeth from any possible kick, had pulled his legs close to his body to protect them from any lashes, and had relaxed his body to prepare for the grounds impact. Once standing up again his legs evenly parted, his knees slightly bent, his head leveled with his spine, his tail leveled with his spine, his claws extended to grip the earth, and his toes splayed.?

7 for attack. biting anywhere he can reach, digging claws in before release.

6 for injuries. Keep in mind a cat of his size hitting the ground three feet away from impact would certainly daze him as well as cause moderate-severe bruising.

Round one Kusugra Total: 43/50


Satis: 45/50

Obsidian: 38/50

Kusugra: 43/50

And the winner is...

Satis & Kusugra! Obsidian must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and may no longer participate in the siege.


Satis- Fur loss between shoulders will result in swelling, mild bleeding. Should heal in approximately 1 OOC week. Fur regrowth will take longer.

Obsidian- Deep gashes in hips from Kusugra?s claws, mild bite on rump where the cat managed a glancing blow amongst the bucking. All will be healed in approximately 1 OOC week.

Kusugra- Severe bruising on the side where he landed (will affect mobility), moderate bruising elsewhere during his rolling, etc. Will heal in 1 OOC week.


Tips for writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight, I had to assume some of the injuries as it was a single-round fight, so I hope they are acceptable. As usual, contact me with any questions, concerns, comments.

- By [Andy]