
Grapevine Fires


11-11-2013, 02:29 PM

The male shook his head, and his voice filled the air once more. His reply was sad, he revealed to her that he had no family, so he would be left to start a family or join a pack. No siblings? How terrible must that be? The little she wolf had no idea what she would do without her siblings, her wonderful big sister Sibelle, her eldest brother Taurig, and her middle brother Falk. She had a lot of big wolves that she hoped would protect her as much as she would try and protect them. Then Jyla asked her if she had ever known her father. The only time she had ever even heard about her father was when her mother told her about the time her father came to take away Taur and ended up getting her pregnant with her litter before he left again. After that, it was only the occasional story to calm her curiosity when she woke up crying from a nightmare about how her father finally came to see her and completely rejected her. Her coral optics found the male's orange gold pools, and her voice fell from ebony lips in a shy, quiet whisper. ?No.. That's why I'm here, searching for him so I can meet the fabled monster that terrorized women everywhere.? She said, sighing and looking down at the floor sheepishly. She felt so needy, so weak, to be out here seeking her father's acceptance.