



11-11-2013, 03:38 PM
The woman had successfully claimed another prisoner for Valhalla - and hopefully Satis would serve her purpose well in the future. And yet the fighting was far from over. Moments would pass before another would pull out of the fray, and Chrysanthe locked eyes with the lupine that was charging toward her before immediately reactiong. Already she had felled two opponents and claimed two of Glaciem's own. And yet this war was far from over - adrenaline pumped wildly through the alpha's veins, her breathing had elevated, but her injuries were minimal thus far.

As Argent rushed toward her the woman's defenses would instantly tighten. Her eyes were narrowed, her ears pinned, and her jaws were agape, protecting her face and throat. Her chin was tucked and her head was lowered and aligned with her spine. Shoulders were rolled and hackles raised, protecting her spine and the sides of her neck. Her tail was tucked behind her, and her weight evenly distributed for balance. Back legs were squared and her body lowered slightly on bent front legs. Her toes dug into the ground for traction, and her muscles were tense as the few seconds ticked by before Glaciem's queen made impact.

As soon as she closed in on her, Chrysanthe would react. Gaping jaws would aim for the woman's right leg, hoping to grab the limb just below the elbow. She hoped to use her opponent's momentum against her if she managed to grab her leg, and possibly throw her leg out of it's socket as the woman came charging forward and down with gravity. The pressure put into the attack would hopefully tear through flesh and perhaps even bone, leaving the Queen with a broken leg and out of this war. Her head would remain lowered, tucked toward her chin leaving her face out of the way of the woman's jaws because of her downward position.

Simultaneously the alpha would thrust her right shoulder up toward the left side of Argent's chest using her lowered front legs to aide in the thrusting motion, in an attempt to throw the woman off balance and perhaps throw the female onto the ground. Chrysanthe herself would twist her own body harshly to her right in order for her attack with her shoulder to hopefully connect and possibly leave bruising. The woman's left limb would land on Chrysanthe's scruff on her right side near the base of her neck because of the way she had turned to attack with her shoulder and jaws. Argent's nails dug painfully into the alpha's flesh, but it would not tear through her fur. Her teeth would come down painfully on the back of her head, her lower jaws just behind her right ear. Her opponent's teeth would dig into the flesh there, leaving bleeding lacerations about a quarter of an inch deep in their wake. Her hackles and thick coat would help somewhat, but Argent's attack would land high enough to do more damage than it would further down.

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws agape, chin tucked, head lowered, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, tail tucked, weight evenly distributed, back legs squared, toes in ground for traction, body lowered, muscles tense, positioning her face away from Argent's jaws by facing downward and turning toward the right

attacks: aiming to bite into Argent's raised right leg near the middle and break it, aiming to push back on argent's leg as she charges forward, leaving the leg in an awkward angle that could leave it out of its socket, aiming to thrust her right shoulder into the left side of Argent's chest and leave bruising, as well as knock her to the her right and onto the ground

injuries: (previous: bitten flesh along scruff, bruising to chest) lacerations to the back of her head

vs. Argent for maim (aiming to break argent's leg)

move 1 / 1