
Bad Luck



03-14-2013, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 09:49 PM by Epiphron.)

The feeling was all too familiar. His brother had left, again, leaving Domovei utterly alone. As soon as the creature opened his eyes and saw his kin gone, he felt an awful sinking feeling in his belly, and realized at once that Dario had left him once again. Perhaps for days, or weeks, or even months -- all were likely scenarios. The male with the tattered ivory pelt had opened his eyes upon awakening, but immediately closed then opened them again in quick succession, as though blinking sleep from his eyes.

It took a long moment for him to struggle to all four paws, his limbs stiff from lack of movement. The male crept forward, paws coming in contact with the land where his brother had laid throughout the new. He swore the dirt was still warm, as though Dario had left only recently. Frustration began to well inside his hollow chest, erupting in a soft snarl bubbling up from behind parted lips. Goddamnit, he thought to himself, not again. At the realization that his brother had left him again -- there was no proof, but his gut feelings about his brother rarely betrayed him -- Domovei felt panic flood through him. The male visibly trembled, swaying on unstable feet as his nose pressed into the dirt. His brother's scent was strong, flooding his nose as he inhaled deeply. Every muscle seemed to quiver as he moved, tracing the scent with his head low to the earth. His brother would laugh if he saw him now, flying into a frenzy at waking up alone, his nose practically stuck in the frozen dirt, gaze never leaving the ground. But his determination was strong, and the mere possibility of his brother abandoning him without a care sent the male into a near panic.

Claws dug into the earth as Domovei's paws carried his small frame forward, one small step after another. He was small, an easy target, and the loss of his fierce protector nearly brought tears to the male's eyes. You're pathetic, his brother would growl, his voice accompanied by a low growl. No better than a pup. Rather than finding himself disturbed by the comments, he had grown painfully attached to his brother's relentless criticism. He would sooner have Dario snarling in his ear than be in this position, frantically traveling to find someone that surely wanted to not be found.

Vivid green eyes searched the landscape before him. Though spring had begun to settle in, the northernmost part of the land remained frozen, as though stuck in time. Before him lay a vast expansive of ice. Certainly the kind of place Dario might venture to. The snarl seemed to linger in his throat as the male continued on, each step just as shaky as the last. His gaze searched frantically before him, his green eyes a vibrant contrast to his dull coat and unimpressive size. The feeling of both irritation and anxiety bubbled up inside him, a strange combination, but it was probably the only thing that pushed the male forward onto the treacherous slopes of the glacier, his claws gripping the ice carefully as he went.