
Blood Ties Broken


11-11-2013, 05:18 PM

It had not taken the Queen long to return to her brothers kingdom, and her home. She crossed the border with confidences, her posture still rigid. Hackles remained at attention, her russet plume curled over her hips, audits flat against her skull, emerald pools burning with liquid fire. Her crown tipped back, letting loose a dangerous melody. She needed to speak with her brother. Now. Her dear little sister had run off to join the enemy. The pale faced girl had abandoned the red Queen. Her call came to an end and lips curled back, her temper flaring wildly. Paws clawed the earth as the young Queen paced, wearing a path in the earth. How could she?! That was her sister! Her dear little sister, her only sister! Jaws lashed out at nothing.

The Queen herself had no desire to meet the wretched man that was called her father. And it seemed that her brothers were on the same page. Eulari had to be difficult, had to go getting herself into trouble. Trouble that she couldn't rescued from. The girl would come to her senses soon enough and come crying for help. But no. She was a traitor, a label that the Queen would make sure followed her everywhere she went.

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