



03-14-2013, 06:47 PM
The call of the battlefield called to the young gal and she followed the calling as it if were a dear friend. She hadn't gotten in to many fights but the ones she had been in had been glorious. They'd stained the pretty pelt of hers and god did she love the taste. She even got to enjoy the taste as she licked the remains away from her pelt. It was pure bliss.

Tali had a great many things wrong with her. One. She was bi-polar. Extremely bi-polar. One wrong look and she'd bite your head off kind of bi-polar. Two.... well.... she was a cannibal. Whenever she slayed another wolf she made sure to eat the tastiest parts that their body had to offer and then she'd leave the rest to rot. Three. She was a seductive bitch. Four. She was just a complete nut case. That was Taliere in a nutshell. It was probably why she felt at home in Tortuga.

27 inches in height and 90 pounds in weight was all that made up Taliere. She had beautiful amethyst eyes and interesting markings on her face. She permanently looked like she was smiling. Even when she wasn't smiling it was there plastered on her face in a thick black line that seemed to come directly from her gums. Dark eyeliner lined her eyes and even traveled across her face. From there she was mostly dark gray, with a light gray patch on either side, and a crystalline white undertone. She was stunning in her own creepy and psychotic way.

"Oh.. What a pity. I quite liked you, dear friend of mine?" Black lined ears pricked forward at the familiar voice. It was their secondary Alpha, Morphine. A grin spread across her visage and stayed there as she approached the creature scarcely bigger than herself.

"Ssssssweeeeeeeet sweet Alphaaaa of mine." She hissed before stopping in a fit of cackles. There was respect upon Tali's face. Her body posture wasn't threatening and her tail remained tucked to show that at least Morphine was her superior. Even out here Tali would not disrespect her. A fight didn't seem like a bad idea though. If that was why she was out here at least.

"Whaaat bringsss you ssssooo far from Tortuga? A fight perhapssssss? She grinned maliciously. Her adrenaline was already pumping at the mere thought of blood. Her tongue swiped her lips once as if she were thirsty. "How about it love? She said. Persuasion and manipulation was a big thing of hers. Who was to say it wouldn't work on her. Though from the looks of it it seemed as though she didn't need any persuasion.