
everything falls


11-11-2013, 07:18 PM

Perhaps it was destiny that had conceived children for them once more. It certainly had to be - for science consistently stated that they couldn't have children outside of her season, and yet here was their second litter apart from her heat. Gods only knew what would happen if they were to mate within her womanly cycle. He wasn't particularly worried about the children themselves - for he knew that Seracia as a whole would stand up for them and see to their wellbeing, but what of their very existence? Could Maverick and Epiphron handle two litters so close together? Their own children were only six months of age as it was, half grown physically, and not nearly grown mentally. He found himself fiercely protective over them, how much more so would that be increased as more of them were brought into the world? He already had so little time for them, how could he possibly spread himself any thinner? Dread filled his soul - regrettably, for he knew he ought to be excited.

She slipped forward, embracing him and letting him know she was afraid too. Great, the monarchs of Seracia - terrified. She would voice one of his foremost worries, their inability to return - perhaps ever. ?I pray that is a conversation we never have to have, but I fear it may be. Glaciem is a different kind of horrible..? He knew very little of it, and perhaps that was why it seemed so foreboding. Perhaps, had he known more, he wouldn't be so shocked and wouldn't be thinking such terrible things - but alas, he didn't know. She hoped that Syrinx or Chrysanthe would come. Maverick hoped for the latter, he had a feeling he ought to avoid Syrinx for the time being. Losing two wolves - possibly three - would surely sour him on the already irritating brother-in-law. He would return her kiss, but only halfheartedly. ?I never wanted this,? he would voice - perhaps to her, or perhaps to the wind.
