



4 Years
11-11-2013, 07:22 PM

So quickly she would regather her senses from her win; pausing a few moments to pant where she stood, tongue flicking at the loose beads of saliva that trailed her creamed lips- heavens thank the felines. Two challenges had been issued, and much to her grief one had been for herself. However, regardless of the alarm she felt, it was far more important to her to satisfy her father; Impra had lost to the hands of the queen, her sister was now the claimed turf of the enemy. It would not be all so bad to be there with her, to stand by her as they awaited their return to duty, however if they wanted to play dirty she had to show them, whether she was now their play-toy or not, that Glaciem would stand supreme, whether they stripped them of their rankers or not; the power that surged their Queen, and their King, was not a thing to be shrugged off thoughtlessly.

It fuelled her, knowing that Isardis would expect no less from her; and as Argent came crashing against the body of their red-faced leader, it only encouraged her more-so. And so quickly she would pinpoint the russet alpha; his sheer size sending a shudder down her spine. But she could take him, she didn?t doubt it for a moment that even in her meagreness she stood a fair chance against the throes of his giant-like qualities. Where he struggled to weave his body around her petite form, she would already have darted beneath him, sinew supple as the dainty youth would over-power his force via speed and manoeuvrability. Or so she hoped.

At a stabilised lope the gazelle-marked oddity would attempt to stealthily approach from Syrinx?s left hindquarters, movement low and long as if she were stalking unaware prey. Ambitiously the peculiar heir would strive to move up the left side of the russet man; aiming to be parallel with his spine, her right shoulder to his left ribs. And so, if her plan had worked and the beast hadn?t obscured her calculated positioning, with a snarl of vicious ambition, gaping jaws would aim to be thrust behind The Leader?s left elbow, and potentially plunge into the flesh and muscles that formed his elastic armpit. Here, molars would strive to tense, to attempt to squeeze supple sinew and skin between eager jaws; simultaneously in defence of guarding her face, she would drop her elbows to position chest lower to the earth, and flex her nape downwards to that her gnawing snout would remain higher than her brow, and hopefully shielded behind his limb and out of reach of his jaws.

As she held her ground, her defences would rise; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, spine aligned, tail tucked, jaws agape before attack, balance distributed equally, angling her nape downwards to keep brow lower than his snout in hope of shielding her face from his jaws, chin tucked to protect jugular, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, hind toes splayed as nails would grip for traction, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, elbows bent and chest low. It would be then that with a vigorous down-pulling motion, she would strive to rip free of any bite-hold she had attained, releasing, and then attempt to drag her bared canines down the structures of his left limb and come to hopefully rest mid-way down his forearm, skull having been angled in a manner where her left eye was positioned towards the earth. Here, as her superiors had trained her, rested the vital cephalic artery, and so with bursting hope, Satis would tighten any successful grip and strive to rotate her skull and snout forwards and around to the front of his limb, potentially severing the artery as she moved. But it wasn?t the last of it yet! Satis would then begin to rotate her crown to the right, while moving her neck to the left in an objective to pull the limb outwards, upwards and at a critically awkward angle in the hopes of causing pain, muscle strain or a dislocation above the elbow.

Satis vs. Syrinx ? Round 1 of 2?

For Dominance/KO

Defences: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, spine aligned, tail tucked, jaws agape before attack, balance distributed equally, angling her nape downwards to keep brow lower than his snout in hope of shielding her face from his jaws, chin tucked to protect jugular, abdomen tense, muscles rigid, hind toes splayed as nails would grip for traction, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, elbows bent and chest low.

Attacks: Attempting to come up behind Syrinx? left hind quarters, her right shoulder to his left ribs/flush, and aim gaping jaws at the armpit behind the left elbow. Hoping to hold, she would then pull downwards, release, and then strive to rake her teeth down the structures of the left forelimb, stop mid-forearm, rotate her skull forwards towards the front of his limb in hope of cutting the cephalic artery, and then pull her skull upwards and outwards at an unnatural angle in an attempt to cause pain above the elbow, muscle straining, or dislocation.

Injuries: First round.