


11-11-2013, 07:26 PM


It was all he felt as of late. It filled his heart, caused his muscles to remain rigid, froze his emotions. Seraphim had been blank for some time, since his last meeting with Eris. He worried that if he let out the slightest emotion, he would be unable to control himself. Thus, he had not seen Devya, and he had not sought out his other children yet. He had strategically avoided anything that would trigger feeling within him.

Nonetheless, he needed a distraction. Needed something to fill his mind with new thoughts. It was why he had decided now to travel to Valhalla. In the midst of war, he realized he knew only two members of Tortuga's allied pack. As Duca, it was his duty to know more of those his Re trusted, so it could do nothing but help him to reach out. He felt the storm brewing, but he paid it no heed. He needed this.

Questions of how he would approach his allies when he reached them were interrupted by a familiar voice that cut through the air ahead of him. The call stopped him in his tracks and the pain within it cut straight to his heart of ice. Eris. What was she doing down here? Travel to Valhalla was risky for any Glaciem wolf, especially considering the war... What could she possibly have hoped to find here? Had she been taken by them?

Mere seconds passed before he picked up his pace, sprinting in the direction of her call. He had sworn not to see her again, but he needed to be sure that she was okay, that she was safe. Even at a high speed, it took him some time to reach her. He stood just beyond the gathering of wolves there, noting that one was a Glaciem prisoner. If he addressed Eris before the wretch, he risked her safety. He would have to wait until she obeyed her dismissal, so he would admit to only his original purpose for being there. He cleared his throat, and focused his narrow gaze on the ivory healer of Valhalla.

I will help you as well, lady healer, if you should ask it of me. I am Seraphim, the Duca of Tortuga, and I have come to Valhalla to meet some of our allies. I would be glad to be of assistance.

talk, think