
Blood Ties Broken


11-11-2013, 09:12 PM

It took no time for the familiar thuds of her brothers steps to breach her ears, invading them more so than the sound of her blood rushing threw her veins. She turned to face him, pools bright with fury. Jaws parted to speak but Falk arrived just a moment before, both her brothers voicing their concerns. "Eulari is here." Her lyrics were directed mostly at Falk, assuming that he was still in the dark about their sisters arrival, seeing as it seemed as though Eulari had already met their cobalt brother. "I just saw her today, and she fled. Straight to our father." The last word that left her creamy lips was spat like a curse, it tainted her mouth.

It was a struggle to stand still, to keep from pacing or chasing down her foolish sister. Neither of her brothers held the same relationship with the pale faced girl. The pair had been close, the russet Queen always looked out for her little sister, making sure she stayed face. But now she played the fool, racing off straight into the jaws of the devil himself. Toes flexed, claws digging into the earth. Her outward appearance began to cool, but inside her rage continued to burn. How could her sister turn her back on her?

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