


11-11-2013, 09:16 PM

He should have known that the moments to pass after he said those three words would certainly be the longest he'd ever experienced in his life. He had done this before, after all - with Adette. Though, in that situation she had pursued him. She had told him she wanted him from day one, and submissively he had allowed her to have him. Granted, he had wanted her too. But she was gone now, lost from him. It was Loccian now, his new love - and surely his forever love. Some part of him would always love Adette, and he hoped that Loccian knew that, but that didn't mean that the rest of him couldn't be fully dedicated to her. He would make absolutely sure of it. She would affirm that she too loved him, she always had. A smile bemused his features as she rubbed against him - driving his emotions wild and his physical being to the breaking point. She told him she wanted this, and he would silently agree, bringing his form around to face her. Lovingly, but with some amount of haste, he would bring his bodice into contact with her own - transporting them both to bliss.

--- Fade ---

When it was finished he would recoil from her back slowly and gently, panting as he went. Quickly and decisively his frame would slither to her right side, pressing into her lightly to keep her steady. He knew some women were very weak after such events. The once-King placed kiss after kiss on her cheek, the smile never leaving his face.

speech speech speech