
Never Bow Down

Loki 1


6 Years
11-11-2013, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2014, 10:29 PM by Loki 1.)
Ebony paws fell in near silence as the big wolf wove his way over the blood-stain earth. They paused as he stopped to watched two wolves who were locked together in battle, oblivious to those around him. They appeared to be fairly evenly matched since neither of them seemed to be landing any serious blows. Loki's jaws were parted in a malicious grin. Stupid, muscle-bound brutes savagely tearing at each other and for what? Fun? What a ridiculously barbaric ritual. Perhaps he should make things a little more interesting for them.

With all the stealth he could muster - not that he needed much, with the moronic savages oblivious to everything but their asinine sparring match - he crept closer. One paw reached out to swipe up a big rock and with one smooth motion whip it in the direction of one of the fighters. The stone struck the wolf's paw with enough force to make him yelp, distracting him at a crucial moment. Instead of completing his dodge, he wavered. The other wolf was caught by surprise and instead of grabbing his opponent's scruff, which would have happened had he kept moving, his jaws closed on the wolf's face.

The pained shriek of the badly injured wolf was music to Loki's ears as he sashayed jauntily away to sow more chaos. Now that was fun. And who knew? Maybe he'd done them a favor the witless duo would engage in more intellectual pursuits from here on out.

Of course, he himself was woefully out of practice in the realm of battle. The pack he'd grown up in had, of course, valued physical prowess over intelligence, so he'd learned early to fight along with his brothers. He didn't enjoy it, but he was not fool enough to throw away a valuable means of survival simply because he was offended by those who fought for entertainment. No, he just needed to get over his disgust with the whole thing and get some practice in. He never knew when - perish the thought - his quick wits and silver tongue might fail him and he'd need to fight his way out of a bad situation. But he wasn't going to demean himself by calling for an opponent, as though he actually needed one. Loki continued over the field, a little sulkily now rather than silkily, irritatedly casting his acid-green gaze out ahead. An opponent would have to come to him if they thought they were worthy.


OOC: Edited it to take out an old OOC message, and to add the last paragraph.

Totally just made it rated M for you, Lunar. XD Yay puppies.