
Sweet Dreams Child [open]



03-14-2013, 07:39 PM

The lord couldn't help but here his child's outrage. How could he not hear her angry screams? She seemed to be eternally pissed. How terrible. He tsked at the thought. If only she knew how much farther it was pushing her away from the rank she so desired. She knew of her hatred for Kaien, her adoptive brother, but Nnoitra had good reasons for doing so. Raptoral had been a mighty pack. He was aware of who the boy's parents were. Powerful beings. Both had been in the top tiers. Nnoitra had seen it fit to give him power simply because he no longer wanted it. At least not directly. He was more of a leader from the shadows. It suited him better.

Lanky legs brought him forward to the scene swiftly. Grinner was there and an amused light took place along with curiosity. Zarzenova was certainly his child although the attitude did not belong to him. She must have gotten it from her mother.

He shook his head and two-toned blue eyes looked at his child with feigned disappointment.

"Dear child of mine. If you wish to be a princess then act like it. Just because your brother has the throne does not mean that you're pushed out of place. The more you act out the more of a fool you make yourself look like. It'd not befitting of you. Besides, being my child I thought you would have a bit more..... tact then that."

He chuckled before sitting down and looking at Grinner with an eyebrow raised and a grin halfway forming.

"Good morning Grinner. I hope you're doing well."

He used the same sickly sweet tone that he used when talking to others other than family or Morphine. It was a facade almost yet almost genuine. Putting on a face was something he did amazing at.
