



6 Years
11-11-2013, 10:18 PM

Azalea hadn't departed from Glaciem all too long ago. Blood was being spilled with each passing second and where was Azalea but off trying to find the healers. She need to be grounded, to see her mother's clear blue gaze as well as see Erani and Rayne and all the other familiar faces. So what did she get but the scent of Eris. By her scent she was stressed and Azalea wondered why the healer would be in the heart of homeland.

Despite being on good terms with the woman, her hackles still raised. If push came to shove Azalea would do whatever was necessary to protect her packmates.

Her surprise at what she found... priceless. The white and auburn wolf deflated. From a hidden den came cries of despair and and other sounds too. Her heart seized uncomfortably as she realized that the wolf was giving birth. She breathed in deeply. Milk. A wolf of Glaciem moved in, clearly hostile. Azalea's hackles rose once more as she marched toward the wolf. Eris appeared then, telling her to go to hell. Satis she called her. Careul was there too and Azalea was made aware of Satis' prisoner status.

With a devious smirk on her face she moved toward the odd little gathering and placed herself as guard. Eris had done the same for her once and it seemed this Satis character held ill intentions against the laboring wolf. Teeth glinted as her amber gaze fell on bizarrely marked Glaciem, "What's your plan, kill her while she's in labor? What will you tell your lord then? Huh? When you kill his children by depriving them of the one wolf here who can nurse them?"

A growl rose from deep within her, her ears tight against her skull and tail raising high over her back where it rightfully belonged. "Now I suggest you get the hell off, prisoner. Careul?" She looked to the white coated Tortugan who had proclaimed his services to Erani. "Feel free to help too." Her tone made it very clear that she wanted both the males gone, to see Satis off to some other location. Not only did they not belong here, while Eris gave birth, but they weren't helping by just standing around.

There was a rage that was pent up in Azalea at all this. She couldn't explain why it made her so furious to see the Glaciem bitch interrupting Eris' private moment. She looked to her friend, and beyond to the squirming pup. "Eris," Her greeting was hollow, her attention locked on the little squirming life form. She lay in the destruction of birth and Azalea felt her stomach begin to turn before managing to tear her eyes away. She licked her chops, swallowing hard, and then looked to Erani with a steely gaze. "Is there anything you need?" There was no hello, no great reunion. Azalea had never been overly kindly to the she-wolf but knew that Erani only wished the best for her. Azalea didn't have time for mushy welcoming homes, she was too busy with her emotions.

On the outside Azalea seemed to be holding together well, she could even be described as mature. Motherly, almost. Her slightly pudged stomach a giveaway of what was yet to come for her.