
Bring you down a Notch



11-11-2013, 11:25 PM

With his bite Fermin would watch as the man rose into it, but of course he would try twisting his body in some way to avoid getting the full force of the bite into his neck, instead taking it to the shoulder. Teeth would sink into the flesh, the man's shoving force only sending them deeper in. Good, he did a nice move, perhaps he would be able to draw blood from this. A shove to the chest was alright, he would get a bruise and be sore for a bit. Nothing too serious.

With their weight up, the men would not be able to stay that way for long. What went up must come down, and indeed they did. The moment his paws touched the ground Fermin would have tried yanking back, jaws still holding the flesh of the man's shoulder and twist, but he would feel heat from his right foreleg that had been pushing the wolf. Jaws would release their hold, lips pulling back in a snarl as he tried to redistribute his weight over his legs. Head would recoil and jaws would point towards the ground in an attempt to keep his throat protected, skin on his neck folding up. Legs would spread, shoulders hunched.

A sacrifice had to be made to get him back on all four to see what was coming, he would take both hits from the man. Though the man was at an awkward angle on the ground, he would manage to thrust his head upwards, jaws grabbing hold of the flesh between Fermin's chest and right foreleg, bringing a snarl from the old man. Shifting his weight the man would lunge forward, driving the teeth further into his flesh, but only momentarily. He would roughly shove his left shoulder forward while lifting the front half of his body, hoping that the jaws would lose their grip so that his shoulder could slam into the side of the opponents face. His right foreleg would be thrown forward, paw going down like a hook, trying to get it forward to hook onto the ma's shoulder as the left foreleg attempted to go under the man's head and do the same. He would keep his head back but pointed towards the left, the skin having a bit more folds on the left side

========== round 02 / 04 ==========


- lunging forward & roughly shoving left shoulder towards Hati's face

- forelegs going forward, paws pointing down to act like hooks to grab hold of hati


- head back and down to protect throat & create skin folds

- weight distributed on all four limbs and tail out

- head pointed towards hati, limiting area to grab on exposed neck


- chest; sore, potential bruising (round 1)

- right foreleg; slashes from teeth, not deep but enough to draw blood (round 2)

- chest / right foreleg joint; decently deep punctures (round 2)

ooc: the way they attacked up in the air is making this thing on the ground so confusing for me. xD

Also, wasn't sure if the forelegs hooking would be considered an attack, so left one out.