


11-12-2013, 12:41 AM

He had seen the white bitch in the war; had smelled her. He hadn't bothered to go after her then. There was no point in taking her life in the middle of a pointless war; where would the fun be in that? He would've had to kill her quickly because someone else would've probably tried to save her. But no, that's not how he wanted to do things. She had gotten away from him twice, once by his own doing, but that was her last chance. The titan was going to finish the bitch for good this time and there would be no question about her being done for.

He had followed her after she'd left the war, tracked her as she moved through what she believed to be her safe haven, completely unaware that she spending her last moments on this earth alone. Completely and utterly alone, far out of the reach of help or the protection of her precious packmates. Those idiots wouldn't come and ruin his fun this time; not again. The monster would watch from the shadows, his spotted companion watching eagerly some beside him, as the white bitch wandered away from the borders of her territory, venturing out to look for some stuff. Slowly the beast would crawl forward, making his way closer and closer to his target, trying to be somewhat inconspicuous, though he hardly cared if she realized he was there or not; she would die regardless. And in fact, she did notice. He saw it in the way her body tensed. Fear radiated from her frame in waves and in a matter of moments she had tucked tail and begun running back to what she thought was the safety of her pack. But she was injured. Demyan wasn't. Stupid bitch.

With a snarl the behemoth would launch himself forward, limbs extending as powerful haunches propelled the murderer forward, talons striking the earth as he rocketed forward, charging towards the fleeing female. Did she not know that her efforts were in vain? She wasn't even close enough to touch the border before Demyan was ontop of her, massive frame barreling into her own, jaws snapping at her nape. Canines sliced through her flesh like nothing, her blood filling his jaws, eliciting a snarl of pleasure from the behemoth. He would drag her down until he was standing directly on top of her, nape still tightly clamped in his jaws. He wanted to look at her, to see her as he killed her, to watch the light fade from those bi-colored eyes. To show her that she was just a useless piece of flesh that was his to play with.

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