



5 Years
11-12-2013, 01:47 AM
It was time. Life was rushing her out of the womb she had been made in and grown, a new life force that was now ready to enter the world. But the process was slow and unforgiving to the one in labor. This small being of life had to wait, but waiting was not on her list. While her two larger siblings had been pushed out into the world with no air in their lungs or strong beating heart, she kicked about. When would nature allow it to be her turn? Her answer would come soon after her second sibling had been birthed. She wasted no time, rushing into the waiting world.

First the pup was limp till it's mother broke her free from the sac and cleaned her up. Body twitched and squirmed. Air filled her lungs, a sensation all so new. Everything was so strange and she couldnt comprehend. Why was it cold now? Where was the pressure of her siblings she had felt within the womb? But now something was licking her, she didnt know what but only felt a strong connection to it. Her brain could only give the answer that this large being was safety and provided everything she needed. Deft to the chaos she had been born into she drew in a large breath and let out a rather loud squeak for a pup, just after Azalea had dismissed Satis. With more calls to what nor who she knew not, she crawled and wiggled her way to her mother's belly. Something so strong and compelling drew her there, told her she had to or would never be able to drink in this air she breathed in. Tiny nose moved along Eris' belly till she would latch onto a tit and take in the first life needed drink. Her nose would now be able to pick out her mother's scent along with milk. Two things she somehow knew she needed to survive. She let out another whimper and disgruntled grunt at the chaotic energies that laid outside the den before continuing to suckling and drift off to sleep. Who knew coming into the world could be so tiring.