
Whose bed have your boots been under?


03-14-2013, 07:52 PM

It was a win lose situation. One moment he was glad to be here with her, and then next he was sad to be leaving her, but glad again to see her in six days. He was on a roller coaster, and wasn't sure if he was ready to get off or if he wanted to stay on. If she was there, he'd ride that roller coaster all day long. The feeling of his chest pressed against hers was almost too much to bear. His heart was beating faster than it would even when he ran for miles. He felt lightheaded and just a bit nauseous, though he attributed that to his racing heart. His head was spinning, reeling out of control. Selfishly he sucked in breath after breath, silently drawing her perfume into his lungs. God she smelled good. Had she smelled this good the whole time? He noted as she pressed into him, returning his embrace with one of her own.

The two stood as one, wrapped up in each other and wishing it would never end, but knowing that it would have to. She mumbled into his coat, her throat vibrating on his bodice. Maverick breathed a breathy sigh, his tail swaying lightly. Slowly and with absolute uncertainty on his face, the boy peeled himself from her embrace, altogether wishing he could have died right then and there - happy and totally satisfied. His heart continued to race as if he'd run a marathon, and for a moment peridot eyes locked onto sapphire ones. He stared into her soul for a moment, sure that he could see her heart beating as fast as his through those eyes. Then, when he felt that it would hurt too much to continue looking, he closed his eyes and aimed a gentle kiss on her muzzle before whirling at once and turning on his heels, unable to watch her go. Six days, gorgeous. His tone was nothing like before, it was shallow and disappointed, but carried a tiny note of hope. In six days they would come together again. With that and a flick of his tail, the almost-Prince leapt up, up, and up the walls of the ravine until he was out of sight.

Exit Maverick.
