


11-12-2013, 12:48 PM

Pain shot across her nape as the behemoth collided with her much smaller frame. Legs fumbled, bring her hard to the earth, side hitting unforgiving force, pushing the air from her lungs, leaving her trapped beneath the monster. Crimson stained her pure pelt, his grip tight on the back of her neck. Bi colored eyes burned into his own cyan one. So this was it. She was doomed to die today. Defiance shone in pools that had iced over. She prepared herself for the agony he would inflict upon her broken body. Heart hammered against her chest, threatening to burst within the cavity. Fear still coursed through her veins. Lips curled back over ivory daggers. She'd be damned if she'd go down without a fight. Jaws unhinged, aiming for his left forelimb. She sought to grab the joint, to clamp down with unforgiving force, hoping to provide some injury that he would remember her by. She longed to get a little taste of his blood, to tear into his flesh the way he had torn into hers.

Gaze turned upward, whether or not she had a hold of his leg, lips remained curled in a silent snarl, ears pinned tightly against her skull. Her tail curled over her belly, uselessly protecting the tender flesh. If she had a hold of his leg, then woman would jerk it towards herself as she lay on her side, it would force the leg to bend at an awkward and possibly painful angle. Growls would vibrate her larynx, her breath rapid, coming in short rapid burst.

It was frightening to know that she was staring death in face, and had moved to inflict pain upon, which was likely to worsen her own gruesome death. Something told her that she would suffer, that he intended to remind her that she had escaped his jaws twice before and this time she wouldn't. She would die between his pale lips. She tried to accept her fate, to come to terms with everything that had happened in her life, but she couldn't bring herself to give up her last breath easily. She wanted him to remember her. To remember that every injury inflicted by done so by her. "Come to finish what you couldn't do before?" Taunting words would drip innocently from her pale jaws, if she still had his leg then words would be slightly muffled, but still spoken boldly.