
Something wicked this way comes


11-12-2013, 02:33 PM

Sharp nails scraped and tapped against ice, a frigid gust of wind howled across the frozen expanse. Walking over the ice-covered sea was a dark brown figure. Ravage held her nose up to the cold wind and inhaled its brisk scent. There were signs of a pack; stale scents and old footprints, shadows and ghosts. But whatever wolves previously owned this land, and the strange human vessel therein, were definitely long gone. Ravage wondered what sort of demise the pack had faced, and the thought made her feel somewhat warmer. The thin female preferred more temperate climates, and so far the northern region of Alacritis did not suit her one bit. At least the S.S.Antiox would provide decent shelter for the time being. The dark clouds overhead were foreboding and Ravage had no desire to endure a storm out in the open. So she entered the ship and skeptically eyed its unknown corners. Ravage would investigate every inch of the ship before allowing herself to get comfortable. Her nostrils flared and hackles stood at attention when she noticed one wolf scent that seemed rather recent..