
Moving In



11-12-2013, 03:56 PM

(Ooh this just got interesting >:3)

Arayne growled as the cub stated the obvious. "I'm aware of that, brat." The last word was spoken under her breath, barely audible, but there all the same. Arayne was trying not to provoke the invaders into attacking her, although it was difficult to keep her temper. She turned her head as another wolf approached, equally young, but warding off her sibling. Arayne's tense posture became less hostile as the child addressed her in a far more polite manner, offering in inviting to join their pack. Her turquoise eyes flicked towards the massive red brute, who she guessed was the 'Akros'. "A kind offer," she said, her voice markedly less growly, "but one I don't wish to take at the moment."

Other wolves padded into the caves, a female with a scars that gave her a hideous grin, and a white female with purple eyes. She reminded Arayne of a white, purple-eyed cub she had met long ago, but she didn't have much time for reminiscing.

The monster wolf finally addressed her, giving her an unsettling grin. She squirmed uncomfortably under his blue-green gaze, but did her best to hold her ground even as he towered over her. If you and I are thinking of the same value I want nothing to do with it was what she thought. What she said was "The only value I wish for is the value I assign myself." She took a step towards the mouth of the cave. "Besides, I only plan to stay up North until the thaw hits and the mountain passes become crossable again." She spoke the truth there. Arayne was not a cold-weather wolf.

She sidled away and flattened her ears as his jaws hovered near them. An outraged exclamation escaped her mouth as he dubbed her a temptress. Oh, he was masculine, there was no question about that, but he set Arayne on edge. He was like a serpent, one she didn't want to let get too close to her for fear it would strike. "Then my choice is to leave," she replied curtly. She turned her gaze back to the one who had herded her into the cavern, giving her a contemptuous, hooded-eyes look. "Now, if the child would kindly step aside..."