
leaving on a jet plane


03-15-2013, 04:35 PM
talking to himself had achieved nothing, the birds still sang in the treetops and insects still buzzes annoyingly. abaddon whisked his tail from one side to the other, bringing himself up to his full height, not knowing exactly what he had expected to achieve. lunacy, maybe. he was trapped in a dilemma, really. he didn't want to be alone but he didn't want to be bothered with an irritable conversation, which most were. eventually push would come to shove and he would have to suck it up and choose one or the other. he sighed, then paused and tilted his head slightly to the right, wondering if he was just imagining the scent of another wolf nearby. he inhaled again, deeper this time and his posture straightened again. no, he wasn't imagining it. a low growl escaped the general's throat before he could help himself, but it was too late to leave. the other wolf was close now, and surely he knew that the aged soldier was standing there. it wasn't like his red-orange coat blended into the vivid greenery of the forest.

and then, just like that, the other wolf stumbled onto the scene and promptly plastered his mug with a look of surprise. abaddon had to resist the urge to snap at the stranger. he settled with a dramatic roll of his eyes but didn't take anything as the storm-coloured wolf took in his physical features. everything from his long, slim legs to the fiery colour of his coat to his oversized ears. no, this marshal wasn't exactly the kind of wolf that you would want to meet in a dark forest. it was a good thing that it was still daylight and that sparse pines didn't have a reputation for being a place of terrors. "harsh judgement of yourself," the other wolf spoke, seeming to mean what he said. the russian don, however, just shrugged his bony shoulders instead of tactfully engaging in conversation, not really caring whether or not he was being rude; though he did manage to force an introduction past his lips.

"ze name's abaddon." he relaxed slightly, his wagging tail sending small clouds of dust into the air. he couldn't deny that the other wolf was attractive, given her dual eyes. a curious combination of traits. otherwise there really wasn't anything of note about this new acquaintance. "so where do you fall from en zis curious kin'dom?"