



11-12-2013, 05:43 PM

Vriel was hard on herself when she often shouldn't have been, but perhaps that was merely the way a woman worked. Besides her obvious flaws and loner mentality she was a strong girl capable of more than most. A smile dipped over her brown features and her body gently curled into the frame of her brother. Valerius was sweet and oh so noble and Vriel relied on him more than anyone else she had ever longed to rely on. This was something she felt was unwavering and that she did not find the wish to change. Devotion in her family was something that was thorough and prominent and hopefully forevermore unbreakable. After all, it was each other that they had. Everything else had withered or been given away. Material items did not become them.

Vriel was six years old, and also like her siblings she had never had babes of her own. She was alone despite her attitude to think otherwise and her evident ability to ignore these facts. Her sibling was all she needed, and perhaps that was best for the time being. Eyes stayed trained on her sweet brother and he nuzzled her head into the crook of his shoulder, gently whispering his name back to him, "Valerius," it was a show of affection and devotion--for that was everything she had for her kin. Though...time was about to reveal to them what they had known for a mere handful of years. Something they had once decided to ignore, but were now pursuing. If they had siblings out there, that likewise didn't know of them, it was time to change things. She couldn't imagine what her father would be like as Alice had always been particularly vague (until the time of her death) in describing him. Vriel had been told that his coat was a rich and warm brown like Valerius's, minus the white on his legs, and his eyes were as brilliantly colored as hers. Beyond his chocolate complexion he bore the most simplistically handsome smiled and his eyes seemed to hold the softness of heaven. She hungered to meet him, "Do you think we'll find Cairo and the others in this land? We've been searching so long..." And it was true that she was tired of looking, but it was also tru that she could never stop.