
More to Come


11-12-2013, 06:03 PM

He seemed to cool down the second he heard her name, a look of surprise settling over his masculine features. If she had not known better, her face would have carried a look of contempt. But she did, so her face held only a smile. She watched him stare intently at her, like he was trying to decipher her, as if she were a difficult equation to be solved. Then his voice, calmer, gentler, filled her ears. An uncle? How wonderful! The first wolf she met in these strange lands was related to her! Clearly she was in the right place, or he was a simple stroke of luck. Introducing himself as Fermin Senti-Armada, the little rusty brown fae was pleased to have found another of her blood. Then he asked her a question, the riddle of her parent's names. She smiled up at the large male, and her sweet alto voice poured like a river of honey from between her ebony lips. "It's nice to meet you, Uncle Fermin. My parents are Isardis Armada and Shaari Opulus." She informed the man, her orchid pigmented pools meeting his directly. She sat down on the stone, wrapping her tail around her paws and shaking out her thick russet ruff before turning her alabaster masked face back to his. A reply was no doubt forthcoming, so she was content to wait calmly and enjoy the company of her newfound family.
