
the lost art of staying alive


11-12-2013, 07:16 PM
Nausica Saxe

Never had the girl met any of her older siblings, leaving her to believe that she had none. But that not her fault, nor was it her fault that she had once against ventured from home, leaving behind the tattered family she had. Ebony paws kissed the earth, amethyst gaze settling on the dark outline before her. Never before had she seen a gaze so it captivated her attention, luring her closer. Audits slide forward, her usual dull gaze bright with curiosity.

Nostrils quivered, taking in the scent of someone unknown, someone who had entered her self-proclaimed domain. Immediate irritation shot through her ever growing body. Didn't they know who she was? Lips twitched, revealing the tips of fangs. Undeterred, the ebon demon pushed onward, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the caves. "Hello..." Silky lyrics would bounce off the walls of the caves, echoing around her as they faded.

Steps slowed, eyes searched for the trespasser, continuing to take in his scent. There was nothing familiar about the stranger that trailed in front of her. Plume twitched at her hocks. She waited for the adversary to reply, to show himself and not continue to hide from her.