



Extra small
11-12-2013, 09:45 PM

The silence was particularly inviting, and it would have been a clear lie to act as though he knew she was coming and so the russet king stood strong and unaware; a devious smirk still remained planted against his lips as he relished in the fact he had won Azalea back. Chrysanthe could have her heir and everyone else could slip back into their meaningless oblivion. But--alas, Chrsanthe, hopefully, had not forgotten all those that had been lost? Valhalla had yet to take back that of which rightfully belonged to them. They would come and they would sweep the ground with Glaciem...though Syrinx would not be the one to aid them where they did not deserve it. They would need to be strong and he would be away from them. Waiting from the sidelines to see their strength. Their numbers were great, and their hearts were grand, but they lacked a certain flair that everyone needed. They lacked edge--and while dedication was obvious; Syrinx did not have the time to act as though these certain aspects made them any different than Glaciem. Valhalla had forgotten to be strong...Glaciem had all of their character traits--regardless of the fact the alignment was different. Glaciem and Valhalla were more alike than anyone cared to admit.
-fighting starts-

Defenses were still held tightly in place from his previous attempt to fight: His head was lowered over his breast and his ears were pinned back against his head. Eyes were narrowed forward and his limbs were bent, evenly spread, and his weight was equally distributed between them. Tail was out and acting as a rudder while his paws lightly gripped for traction. Jaws were left slightly agape and his spine remained in perfect alignment behind shoulders that were rolled to help encumber his slightly pulled back neck in fur, flesh, and fat.

Had she not snarled so viciously the damage would have been far more detrimental and it was perhaps the only thing that saved him. It was pure coincidence that he would step forward with his left limb first. Still, her speed was not to be ignored and Syrinx would feel teeth lightly clip the area that formed his left armpit and his pulling motion would allow her teeth to leave 1/4 inch deep cuts (or tears given the appearance and placement). Simultaneously as his step the boy would begin to turn to his left by pivoting his hips to his own left. Head would turn to his own left and would immediately attempt to thrust forward and then curve downward and slightly turned towards her (forming a diagonal) in the hopeful attempt to grasp her maw by the top (top set over the left side of her muzzle and bottom set behind the left side). Regardless of grabbing her he would make sure to snap his teeth together with bone crushing force. Everything was one quick motion--the boy's hips were still turning, his teeth were moving and his weight remained primarily on his left side now as his right limb lifted ready to swing at her face in an attempt merely stun her; given that he got all the way around. If he failed to do so, then the attack would merely be a feigned motion that he had used to gain momentum.

Syrinx vs. Satis for DOMINANCE

round one