


11-13-2013, 01:41 AM

The fun had started. Nickolai moved off to the sidelines, eager golden gaze rapt on Demyan's figure, watching as his behemoth of a companion barreled straight into the helpless white bitch, knocking her over like she wasn't even there. It was quite the sight to behold, a wicked smile curling the feline's features, tail lashing behind him as he watched the killing unforld.

The bitch fell to the ground like she didn't weigh anything, simply fueling the man's hunger for her blood. She had gotten away twice before, but this was the last time. As he moved over her, she attempted to inflict some injuries onto the murderer, but it was a vain attempt. He was already two steps ahead of her. Her jaws were just about to clamp over his left foreleg, but at the same time Demyan's right forelimb rose above her skull, right paw coming down hard against her muzzle in a powerful swipe, talons raking across the ivory fur, drawing crimson liquid. Despite the crushing blow, that didn't deter the bitch from trying to throw a jab at him. She was in the jaws of death and she had the audacity to taunt him? She was clearly wishing for a cruel death.

With a snarl the beast would tighten his jaws even more on her scruff before pulling upwards, ripping a good sized chuck from the back of her nape, the flesh clinging to his jaws as he spat it out like it was a wretched thing. Burning cyan gems would travel down the length of her body, noticing how her pathetic tail was trying to cover up her little sweet spot. A bloody smirk would twist his gruesome features as his left foreleg reached out, talons sinking into the flesh of her tail as he dragged it out of the way, pinning it against the dirt. There was no getting out of it. He would fuck her and he would kill her. It was that simple.

With her tail pinned, the beast would bring his right forepaw to rest against her right shoulder, allowing some of his weight to fall onto the limb, adding pressure as he brought his jaws to close around her windpipe. Should've never fucked with me bitch. He snarled as his weapons pressed in against the delicate flesh while his hips lowered against her thighs, searching for the sweet spot. He was going to enjoy this kill.

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