
The Armada Family


11-13-2013, 10:25 AM
Try for Isardis X Nephisa Pup:

Original Name: NEREA ARMADA
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Brief History:

Born during the height of her mother's reign, her coat of ivory was branded at age one, with the markings that can be found on her coat to this day. Upon the death of her mother, she left the lands, moving to find her father and see what kind of pack he had ruling beneath him, interested in the albino beast she knew, oh so little of. A name, is all she has to go on. Her killing experience thus far has been limited to prey animals, though her mind often wanders to the taste of her own, wandering what they?ll taste like, and how it?ll feel to feel their life leave their bodies.

Plans: Find Isardis. Eat a baby or two. (Of course not his :O)


Appearances are important, no?

Draped in a pallid hue, the large built dame will seem pure and untainted in colour, aside from the glourious markings that her mother bestowed upon her.The markings she was given are crimson and gold in colour, painted around her left eye, and the other marking on her right hip. Her build is sturdy, lean, and always carefully groomed. Her fur is long, thick, and soft, billowing around her nearly like feathers. Her eyes are a deep purple, hypnotizing colour. Due to her young age, she doesn?t have an significant scars as of yet, though some are there from minor injuries, but are not visible due to the thickness of her fur.


Manipulative. Secretive. Drool. Dark.

Every move, every breathe, everything about this ivory goddess is designed to manipulate. Her true intentions could always be questioned. She likes to weave webs around people, creating a false charade to lure them in serenely before promptly ripping their heads from their bodies and dancing in their blood. Every word that leaves her delicate jaws is designed to serve a purpose, she does little without a grand reason.

Secrets, lo, this girl and her secrets, her deep coloured eyes hide many things that her jaws are hesitant to release. She trusts few completely, and is very careful in her words when speaking to those whose loyalties she questions, and question others she does. Though she seems to speak little about herself, she?s quick to ?suck? up information about others, drawing them in, to weave her manipulative web.

Her tone is a low montone, the majority of the time. She?s known to vary the pitch when it suits her purpose, though the majority of the time her voice is low, soft, and even- not betraying her emotions a bit, nearly as cold as her dark eyes, and just as distant.

Dark, one would do well never to forget that this dame is a killer no matter how innocent she seems. Bloodlust clouds her visions at times, her need to taste the crimson liquid, feel the life drain from one beneath her jaws, can be overpowering. That monster you fear so much? Imagine it clouded in ivory hues, and coming for your throat.

Other: Of course Roamer can afford her lovely markings. :3 250 for tribal, yes?

-- Her loyalties will of course be to her father, and she'll quite happy to carry out any of his orders. I chose lawful evil, because she will obey orders, and she's not totally crazy. Only evil when she can eat babies, or when Isardis allows it.

hip marking, demo:

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