


11-13-2013, 07:32 PM


Her attempt to tear into his limb failed. Instead that man issued a crushing blow with paw to her muzzle, claws tearing into her flesh, drawing blood. She couldn't help but release a cry of pain as his paw connected with the bones in her face. His jaws tightened with a snarl before she left blinding pain as her flesh was torn from her nape, issuing a blood curling cry from bleeding pale jaws. She thrashed below him wildly, legs striking out, claws looking to dig into his tender underbelly, tongue rolled against the roof of her mouth as her snarls mixed with sounds of pain. Before she could register, her tail was pinned to the earth beneath his paw. Panic began to spread as she felt his hips drop.

She fought back with renewed vigor. She would maybe on her death bed but she wouldn't be raped! His paw on her shoulder kept her upper body stationary but her hind legs flew wildly, more to keep him away from her rather than inflict damage, but she wouldn't be sorry if her claws happened to connect with the most precious part of his body. Never should have fucked with me bitch. Fury shot through her. "Go to hell!" Words dripped poison, muffled only slightly by his paw on her muzzle. In an attempt to free her fangs, the pale woman would jerk her head/muzzle up, hoping to have his paw slide off her muzzle and possibly throw of his balance.

Legs continued their wild, disorganized assault as much as they could. He had strategically pinned her but she would not submit to this monster. Eyes searched for his gaze, shooting daggers of raw hatred in this direction. He wouldn't get away with this. Valhalla may be rebuilding from the war, but they would not let the murder of one of their Lead Healers go unpunished. Especially Erani. Her sweet mentor, yet the porcelain had a nasty temper when angered. Her death would be avenged. Fangs had found a grip at her throat, tightening uncomfortably. She sucked in air desperately, eyes wide with panic.