
One Step Closer


03-14-2013, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2013, 09:04 PM by Hureia.)

The white dame walked quickly and calmly along the plain with multiple rocks in it. There were rocks everywhere, all different shapes and sizes. But her aqua blue eyes looked this way and that trying to avoid a run in with one. The femme huffed as she continued to walk, seeming to glide over the ground

"Mother always said not to express negative energy..." she voiced softly to herself as she could almost hear her mother's voice in her own.

The wolf stopped for a moment only to shakeout her white coat and groom the large gray X on her back. Black lined ears flattened against her skull as she found a twig that had been entangled in her fur. As soon as it became dislodged from her fur the dame carried on her way. She was so close to her brother, she knew it. Oh, how she had missed him; Thane where could her prince be now. Of course he wasn't her prince but he had been a prince,perhaps they still are the heirs to their pack. But there are no pack members. They were all dead of course. If only the alpha of the rival pack had been more accurate with his blow would she be dead now.Thane would be all alone in the world with no sister to comfort him. Oh no, a terrible thought crossed her mind. He probably thought she was dead!

"Oh Hureia, what have you gotten yourself into!" she said in a stern tone as she worried over her brother's well -being

For all she knew he could have gone mad and ran all over their homelands of the Russian tundra! Hopefully he still carried their parent's lessons with him. Oh yes, he could survive on his own. What would the dame find when she was reunited with her brother, what if he was all alone and mad! But she would still love him, care for him, comfort him. Or what if he had found a mate, what if he has children! Oh how it would hurt her somewhere inside, way deep in the secret space of her heart and mind. Of course he would never love her in the way she had at some times. They were only siblings, nothing more. But Hureia would appreciate his happiness if he were happy. Whoever made her brother happy was greatly appreciated by the dame.

As the femme continued to make her way past the rocks her black lined ears perked up as she became alert once more. The dame had scented another wolf and she knew nowadays it was hard for her to trust others since her near death experience. Hopefully this run in would be a peaceful one.

"Stay alert, never let your guard down..." she voiced softly to herself remembering one of her father's lessons.

So the white femme sat on her haunches awaiting whatever or whoever to come to her.