

Rune I


5 Years
11-13-2013, 09:56 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

He could tell the moment the words left his lips that they had been the last thing Alamea had been expecting. Just the surprise that overtook her was enough to let him grin a little more easily, one of the corners of his mouth pulling up in a smirk, while he watched her spring pink eyes as she attempted to gather her thoughts to answer. It was fun surprising her, especially with something that even he would not have considered any other day, were it not for her. He had been so preoccupied, full of his own personal anguish and rage at having his home taken away, about plotting to reclaim it. And she voiced this same thought, professing to wholly liking the idea but showing an overall larger concern for himself and his goals, those same goals that such a move would compromise.

Her compassion touched him. He had been raised around those who, by nature, thought of themselves before others more often than not, and even he was guilty of the same at times, allowing pride to govern his actions even when rationale spoke against it. But she was so unlike all of that, so unlike all those others that he had known. She was everything they had never been, and the curiosity of it as well as knowing that she had seen something in him worthwhile made him wish to keep her all the more.

So while he should have been worried about his plans and how ensuring Alamea was safe might interfere with them, might set him back, he truly was not. Perhaps a little, but not so greatly that he felt the need to give it voice. Instead, he answered her quietly, his voice low as he tucked his forehead beside her cheek, "It's not going anywhere." And it was true. No matter who came and went upon the volcanic mountain that he had for so long called home, the mountain itself would remain. It should have been comforting, and in a small sense it was, but he still felt a great dislike over those who presently claimed it as theirs, regardless of whether he planned to put his efforts on hold or not.

But that was another thing. Tortuga had always been home, had always been the pack he had deemed most perfect for him. What of all the others? Would Valhalla even look at him the same as they would those others who lived amongst them? Would they trust him despite his heritage, despite his future plans? Rune laughed shortly, "It's a nice thought, isn't it? We'd get to see each other all the time. I'd get to know you were safe everyday." Despite the virtuous offer, it only took voicing the plan for him to see the faults in it. Smile beginning to slip, he added, "I bet they're a lot different than what I'm used to, huh?"