
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


11-14-2013, 12:37 AM

the young pup found himself venturing farther and farther from the den, careful to stay close to home, but desperate to try his take a freedom. he had slipped from his families den, as the sun kissed the earth, shrouding the land in darkness, and slunk off into the trees eager to explore the night, eager to see the world, as it was in the dark. he felt at ease here, he had no reason to fear the lands that his father had claimed. he was comfortable, nothing would hinder him, nothing could stand in his way. so far, the only pups he had met had been of his own litter but he had heard from the adults that came through that there were more and he wondered if any like himself were out adventuring.

aimlessly it seemed that he wandered, when he scented others, his ears standing at attention on his small head, and his bright firey eyes searching the darkness. he heard a voice, 'i want to be a star one day', then movements and another voice addressing the first to speak. standing in the darkness, he watched the scene, his eyes coming to land on three wolves he didn't know. standing as tall as he could, at just only a month old, he moved as gracefully as he could manage towards the small group, his head held high.

"a star? whatcha wants to be a bit of old rock for?" he questioned, his tone sarcastic in nature, his eyes twinkling with mischief. his eyes glanced over the snow drift where he had witnessed another fall, and he let out a scoff of laughter, at the other pups foolishness. only a baby pup found itself in a drift!
