


11-14-2013, 05:01 AM

ooc;; sorry to drag this out and make this maybe uncomprehendable drunk post to try and not default <3 also not gonna list everything, I'm loosing track, sorry :/ long story short being that he's really hurt and going for Collision's neck

Despite the fact that his mind was beginning to cloud and waiver Collision couldn?t have been clearer. Every sense trained on the slightly larger male as they faced off. Sounds of battle raged around them, the cries of pain, fear and anger at first echoing around him and then slowly fading into the background. Blood dripped freely from his various wounds, though his skull bled the most profusely, the veins close to the top of the skin all broken and as his heart continued to beat chaotically and pump blood at a quickened pace and pressure to the wounds. He could feel the blood loss, knew it was affecting him but all he could do was focus on his opponent. The other two who had been attacking him faded into the background as he remained as he had positioned himself for when Collision attacked. Though it all probably lasted a few seconds time seemed to lapse on for forever as each male set their defenses.
And then everything happened all at once, the male who was easily as big as his father came barreling at him and Vixe began to move out of the way. The distance between them, though, had been gauged poorly and was much smaller then he had originally thought. All at once the male was there and sickly green eyes widened in surprise. Head moved to dart out of the way, thankfully saving his eye but teeth tore into the top of his muzzle and his cheek. As he continued to try and pull away move flesh was torn, a huge gouge being drawn above the bone but no hold was granted. But as the same time as his flight the male?s shoulder slammed heavily into his own, a lungful of air was lost and pain shot thought his left shoulder but he recovered well enough.
His head was beginning to swim and his left eye was almost drowning in blood but still his head continued with it?s rotation and arc to bring his unhinged jaw towards Collision. Or more specifically towards the side of his throat, at the same time his left paw slid foreword to try and hook Collision?s right so it was harder for the male to retreat and at the same time increasing his own balance. His ears were tipped back and eyes narrowed though focused on the artery on the side of the male?s neck or his windpipe. Teeth were ready to grab onto whatever he could and then tear it out if he could. They were in close quarters now and Vixe was more used to it after his childhood of wrestling with his father and siblings. Paws were spread, joints loose to lower his center of balance. Back once again arched as his stomach tucked, shoulder rolling forward to protect his neck as much as possible though his current attack left him fairly out in the open. His tail remained where it was, unable to help him in any way other then to protect his hind quarters.

Round ONE two three
