
Then a wish it did land



5 Years
11-14-2013, 08:18 AM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2013, 08:18 AM by Novella.)

Novella had gotten quite comfortable with the Eastern areas of Alacritis, particularly the parts surrounding Ludicael anyway. Once a frequent visiting spot and now a home, that was still a slightly odd thought yet not one that the young girl was starting to regret at all. That being said, it wasn't going to mean she'd be completely glued to Lover's Mangrove either, she could still get out every now and then and have a wander around, and that was exactly what she had decided to do today.

The war may have ended for now, though it had instilled far more caution into her than Novella had probably ever had in her short life. Never had she felt she had to fear something happening to her, she'd been fortunate enough to avoid such experiences until recently. Truth be told they'd shaken her a little more than she may have liked to admit, though she had been practicing with Song in order to gain some of that confidence back, yet she still didn't feel ready for a fight if she found herself in any danger. Perhaps that was why she hadn't strayed too far from her home, finding herself at the Serpent Plains.

At the edge of the lake she paused for a moment. Her mismatched eyes had kept watch as she travelled, looking out for anyone and they had another glance around her now before lowering her head to the water for a drink. It seemed that she was relatively alone, aside from the rabbits that had bolted as they crossed paths. Hunting currently wasn't on her to-do list though, in fact Novella wasn't really sure what her plan was from here.