
Tending The Wounded


11-14-2013, 11:30 AM
Quote:It didn't take something being broken in order for it to give a lupine trouble. If that injury somehow became infected or inflammed, then the warrior would be in a lot of pain - not to mention danger of getting very sick very quickly. Still, he was holding up well, and his smile was both disarming and gave a good sense of how he was feeling. If that leg was hurt too badly that smile would have fallen into a grimace - easily. She would watch him interact with the others - her eyes following the conversation, but she had no urge to participate in a chat she had little to do with. At his mention of his opponent though, she would frown slightly, wondering how many other warriors this little lass would tear into. War was a horrible thing, and the sight of blood like this would chill her for a single moment - because if Aiden had ever been involved in something like this he wouldn't last a moment...

She would gently place her memories aside as the male introduced himself as Alsander, and although he had said Cael's name before, she would dutifully nod when introduced to his younger sibling. "It's a pleasure - I am Io." It would have been more of a pleasure had the situation not been so bleak, but there was no point in bringing pessimism to a group of injured. Cael would turn to her and ask whether she would tend to his brother, and she would nod - perplexed by both his accent and the one that his brother held. They weren't from around here, were they? Perhaps she would ask Alsander where he and his family had lived before they came to Alacritia.

Swiftly she would pad along the gray brute's side, before getting a closer look to the injury on his leg and thigh - they seemed to be the most severe wounds from his time on the battlefield, but he was scratched and bruised as well. She would gather a select few herbs and settle back beside the male, placing a few chamomile leaves around his thigh to settle the inflammation from his apparent lacerations. She would gently do the same for his leg, before giving a few licks to the scratches on his muzzle. "You and your family, where do you come from?" She would ask somewhat tentatively. The crowd and the gentle ebb and flow of their conversations were normally unnerving, but today she had a job to do and a kindhearted brute to speak to. Her nervousness could be ignored.