
Summertime Sadness


11-14-2013, 06:33 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running

OOC: <3

Ashanti had been out of her mind lately, not really noticing where she went except for physical features. For example, she knew she was on a mountain, but she had no idea that it was pack lands... that was until a brute showed up behind her and requested to know if she did indeed know. She turned with shock to know that there was someone else up here, let alone a pack of wolves living together. "I-I'm sorry, I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed!" She said a bit shyly. It was strange for her, normally she would have been on the offensive, but the fact was she was caught by surprise and it was his lands instead of free territory.

She wasn't always bitchy, she was bitchy 95% of the time. "I'm Ashanti Aranna, a lone wolf healer. I apologize for intruding, I'll leave immediately..." She said, panic that he would attack. She was always searching for fights, but winter was at the girls doorstep and she couldn't afford to be out of action. Herbs had died, and she wouldn't be able to heal herself and she probably wouldn't be able to hunt. Part of her had wanted to just rant, rant to him about her stress and worries about her dead children and mate, but her sorrows covered it up, she couldn't just rant to a random wolf. That would be weird.