
Still Biting



11-14-2013, 06:57 PM

A small smirk would appear on the man at the girl's response to his comment, an ear swiveling to the side. Of course people would tell her that, the girl didn't look old enough to be wandering alone. Though she was close to his size, the man knew she was still vulnerable to other more dangerous predators that would love to pounce on someone like her. After a few moments of thinking, at least that's what he thought she was doing, the girl would turn back to him and speak. She would pull the usual kid phase, they can take care of themself, old enough to take care of themself. So many said it, and so many actually needed help, guidance to help them survive.

After it left her lips it seemed to girl would want to take it back, stepping back and lowering her tone. She would admit that it has been a problem, being by herself, then going to explain her hunting and fighting skills. The man would give a low chuckle, slowly shaking his head before taking a few steps forward and past the girl, stopping to glance over his shoulder at her. "Wanna take over the world, ey? Come, I'll show you some things." He'd rumble with a smile, motioning with his head for her to follow before he began to continue his way down the shore.

Fermin didn't know if the girl would follow him or not, and either wyy he wouldn't mind, he'd still help her. Though she was just a stranger, the man couldn't leave her alone like this, at least, not without showing hr some things that would improve her hunting and fighting.
