
everything falls


11-14-2013, 08:00 PM

It was too much. A marriage, children, war, lost souls, responsibilities, life, living. He didn't know what to do anymore, and it seemed as if the very foundation he'd been raised upon was crumbling beneath his paws. He needed his father, he needed someone to lean on. He'd always had Gerhardt or Kamala and now both were out of his life for who knew how long. He had Epiphron, but some part of him - quite a large part, actually - didn't like behaving this way around her. He was supposed to be a man, he was supposed to be able to lead them and direct them. Wasn't that why Syrinx hadn't liked him to begin with? Perhaps his brother in law had been right all along - perhaps he wasn't right for Epiphron.

He heaved a sigh, a loaded sigh full of worry and grief. Enough was enough. 'Even if the worst is yet to come,' she would say. He chuckled - a sarcastic sort of noise. As if life could get any worse. Oh, pessimism did not look good on him. 'Perhaps we should think about making some changes.' Like what? What could possibly fix this other than trying something completely different? Maverick didn't know how to lead in this situation, though it seemed others had logical ideas. Dragon - the new Grand Duke had some fine ideas that the King had not even thought of. Perhaps the changes weren't in what they should be doing, but who should be doing it. ?I...? he could speak no more, words would not come - thoughts would not process.
