


03-15-2013, 04:38 PM
OOC Name: Mina <3
How did you get here?: Via advertisement.
Age: 15
PvP: Semi-realistic.
Notttt one of my better bios.

Character's Name: Rajani (Eros)
Age:3 years
Season of birth:Winter
Size: Large
Appearance description: Rajani's most outstanding feature is her coat, but that is hardly all that there is to her; tall, muscular, and strong in build, she stands at a whopping 36 inches and weighs in at about 120 lbs, just because she?s on the somewhat thinner side, due at least in part to her loner lifestyle. She?s an intimidating figure for sure, especially in a female; her chin is held up, and her posture is dominant. She is a warrior, a fearless one at that. It?s quite obvious simply from the way she moves, the sly swing to her hips and the confident spring in her stride.

No matter what can be said about her personality, Rajani is a beauty. Although her build is very muscular and powerful, it?s still feminine in every sense of the world; she could be said to have curves in all the right places, I suppose. She?s thinner than you might imagine, and has gentle curves to her figure here and there; this isn?t what?s terribly eye-catching about her. No, the most beautiful thing about Rajani is her coloration ? her fur is a relatively bright russet, thick, silky, and the closest natural color you could find to red. You can?t miss her when she walks by; nothing mars this beautiful russet, no markings or colors of any other sort. Her eyes are equally brilliant; they are odd in coloration, the left such a bright cerulean blue that it could practically be described as glowing, and the left a dark, deep violet, the shade of an amethyst almost convoluted by black.