
Tending The Wounded



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-14-2013, 09:51 PM

Erani made sure that the black stranger was firmly secured against her shoulder before stepping forward, nodding to the lass? thanks. Though the Elder bit made her chuckle inwardly. I am getting old, aren?t I. It was a thought tinged with a sense of sadness. Her years on this earth were nearly done. She still had some time left, though, and there was no way she would allow herself to drop dead when her pack and family were in danger. A moment later, Midnight gave her name, apologizing in such a way that Erani surmised her mind had wandered slightly. ?All Snow Rogues are welcome in Valhalla. Though we haven?t met. You may be thinking of Soleil. She went to Glaciem to help train healers back during Gargoyle?s reign. My Name is Erani, and I am one of the Lead Healers here.? Gentle, relaxed conversation to keep the injured female focused on the here and now, and out of shock.

As they passed through the ravine and through the wide area that had served as nursery and playground for her children when they were small, other fighters were arriving, a male blinded in one eye, Rayne back from the battle. Rayne, injured. A perceptible chill stilled the Healer?s eyes as she took in the state of her secondary. ?They would attack a healer?? A midnight whisper, deceivingly calm as within, her anger seared through her like a blizzard gale. Erani helped Midnight up the three natural stairs of stone that were the entrance into her actual den, a cave under the hill with a large main chamber, and many alcoves of varying sizes branching off, sometimes continuing on into the hill as more chambers and small rooms. She chose a small one a bit deeper into the hill. Midnight, so far, was the most wounded wolf that she?d seen other than the half blinded male.

Midnight flopped down, and Erani frowned slightly at the rough landing, though she?d lined as many of her cave chambers as she could with moss and leaves. That leg didn?t need so much jostling. ?I will be right back with something for the pain, and to set that leg straight. You should be safe here.? Erani dipped her head and padded back to the main chamber, Cael meeting her as she came in. ?Ah, Cael..? She paused, listening as he asked Alsander?s question and then his own. ?Obsidian and Sarak have gone to the fighting I believe, and no, Alsander may not continue fighting on that leg if they break through to this location. We?ll have this den as an added advantage. It?s a good place to ambush an enemy. And I can tell our Tortugan guests here have fighting experience.?

Erani took a glance around the main chamber, noting those there. ?I think you?ll be fine to go. I do wish Friction were still about?? She spotted Soleil applying cobweb to a Tortugan fighter. Was Taurig out there too? ?I?d suggest a little Agrimony poultice if the bleeding doesn?t stop with the cobwebs, Soleil. It?ll help keep the wounds clean as well.? For all that one would expect there to be panic, Erani was relaxed and calm, in her element; helping the injured and hurting. And she broadcast the calm emotions to the healers through stance and movements as she passed Cael and went to the pile, picking out Valerian for the pain, sticks to bind the leg, and several others for the rest of the injuries on her patient before she turned back and padded into the small chamber that housed the Snow Rogue member.

?This may hurt some, but the valerian will ease the pain. Chew it and swallow the juices.? Calm instructions given, she set about working with the wolf?s leg, aligning it and then working to bind it to the sticks. She?d often heard stories about humans being able to grasp things and manipulate those things with their paws. Right now, she would give a great deal to have that ability. But she worked with what she had, and soon, she had finished binding the leg and tending the lesser wounds. By now, Midnight would likely be fast asleep from the Valerian if she had taken it as directed.

Erani surveyed her work, then nodded in satisfaction and trotted out of the chamber and through to the main chamber. ?Once you have tended the wounded, lead or carry them to the caves deeper in the hill. They will be protected back there.. I?ve explored the full extent of these caves, and they all end in dead ends. No attacks will come from behind. As you see from Rayne?s wounds, they will attack healers, so be ready to fight should the enemy break through and come here. Alsander, you are not to fight unless there is no other alternative; I don?t want that leg injured further. Healers?? She paused to glance over the healers gathered, the frozen rage that lay under that deadly calm rising to the surface of her eyes. ?Show the enemy no mercy should they come calling to this den.?

With a soft flick of her tail, the snowy healer turned toward the front of the den, padding to wait for more wounded, or a fight to come their way.